Thursday, June 21, 2012

In A Jam

It started with a box of cumquats, grown in a friend's garden and left on the doorstep. What do we do with these tart little fellas, we asked ourselves?


They were finely chopped...


and blended with a little sugar (or more than a little)...




And turned into 10 jars of cumquat marmalade.




In additional news, I sampled the block of farmhouse cheddar I made recently. It was JUST AWFUL. I am so disappointed. I have no idea where it went wrong or what to change next time...

Have you made anything delicious lately? Or terrible?


  1. Yum indeed, great looking jam, but I think you call it cumquat marmalade, anyway it's my favourite on toast. I have been making cumquat mamalade since I was a little girl growing up in Bowen Terrace. Was the cheese really bad? I have never made cheese only yoghurt. I find cheese making fascinating. Your daughters cardigan is scrumptious. I have just found your blog and have enjoyed a lovely read. I am originally from Brisbane, and now my daughter calls it home, I miss her. I love designing and making vintage inspired children's clothes, collecting retro and vintage bits and pieces. I hope you pop on over and say hello! x Roberta

  2. I am really envious! My mum used to make cumquat jam when we loved in sydney (where i grew up) and it was gorgeous. She has never been able to get a cumquat variety here in Hobart as good as what we had there. Oh you bring back memories! i used to help mum chop the fruit up. Yours looks like sunshine in a jar (and makes up for the cheese recipe failing on you!). Yum, yum, yum. On another note, i am sure you are glad not to be here this week. yesterday reached only 9 degrees; and right now, there is snow on the mountain - the sun is shining (finally), but it is deceptive - it is freezing outside.

  3. YUM!!!!!!!

    seriously- that looks amazing (your beautiful photography helps too)

    xo em


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