Monday, September 13, 2010

Cotton Harlequin Beetles

I've shown photos of Cotton Harlequin Beetles before here but I found some really nice looking examples of male beetles on Saturday, so here's a few more.

I took dozens of photos but there's a pretty low success rate when you're trying to do macro photography without a macro lens - it wreaks havoc with your autofocus.

Cotton Harlequin 4

Cotton Harlequin 3

Cotton Harlequin

Cotton Harlequin Beetle

The female beetles, which are larger and orange, weren't looking as spectacular this time around. Must be the wrong time of the year for them.


  1. they are so cute! they look cartoonish! What kind of camera do you use? I just bought a dslr and I'm going crazy with the autofocus when trying to take a macro shot. Le grr!


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