Friday, August 24, 2012


Since getting the olloclip, I find myself grabbing flowers from people's hedges and flowerbeds (so sneaky) while out walking, whisking them home and then spending great chunks of time trying to get a good angle.

It's quite addictive.

Here's this morning's effort.

  #macrogardener #macro #olloclip #flower


  1. Beautiful shot. I think I'd be doing exactly the same if I had one of thise olloclips, but I don't think they work on iTouch.
    I look forward to seeing more!

  2. gorgeous.
    i am so behind the times with technology. my old nokia died a couple fo months ago and i dug out a mobile phone i'd won - a flip phone! remeber when everyone flipped open their phones?! so i'll get an iPhone in like 20 years time :-)


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