Sunday, September 2, 2012

Location Scouting

Happy Monday! That's another weekend passed. The great thing about being a part-time worker is my weekends are four days long, every week, which is so nice.
We did more location scouting out west for property over the weekend. We're looking at maybe making our country life dream a reality, but it's proving very tricky to find anything that's in our price range, in the area we need to be in to access work, and also appealing.
Scratch that. It's actually very easy to find cheap properties around but they were, almost without exception, underwater in January last year with the floods. Just when we think we've found something interesting, one of us loads up the trusty flood maps and BANG! Our dream home was under six metres of water last year.
Thanks but no.
Anyway, we're nowhere near ready to make the move yet (if we do at all) but it's fun researching it and narrowing down areas to 'take me there now' and 'over my dead body'.
Dan went to the tip Saturday and found this old munitions box, which he scrubbed up and waxed. I think it's pretty cool.


Lucinda kept a close eye on the veggie garden...
The strawberries are getting THIS BIG.

... and we ate a few of our strawberries. Lovely!
Strawberry Love.

Hope everyone else had a good weekend too.


  1. I love that last image, it's beautiful! You have to feel a bit sorry for those poor people trying to sell a home that is in a floodable area. I don't blame you for not wanting to take it on though.
    ps the munitions box is cool and Lucinda is getting so big!

    1. I feel awful for them. We've seen a few places now where you can tell they've lost everything - can't sell, haven't had insurance payouts (the houses are still badly damaged) and so on. Plus getting insurance now in many areas is apparently up around 5k a year, if you can get it at all.

  2. sorry i'm late to the post.
    who decided weeks had to be five days of work? some man, probably. lucky you having short weeks.
    house hunting can be fun. looking at the real estate pics, having a little daydreams. i didn't realise that about the flood victims - first the floods, then the administrative kick in the teeth. those poor people.


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