Monday, April 26, 2010

More hard work

So, aside from getting seriously festive and meeting some new friends - Karra locals - this weekend, we actually Got Stuff Done too.

Serious in-roads were also made into the yard work thanks to our kind neighbour, who took pity after seeing me getting stuck into the driveway with a mattock and offered to swing by on his 'Kanga' and help.

Here's a before shot:


Enter our kind neighbour. Dan was overjoyed at not having to do all this hard work himself with a shovel.


Here it is at the end. Tree? Gone! Pile of dirt? Gone! It just needs a bit of gravel now to tidy it up.


We ended up with an excellent new pile of dirt too. No sure what we'll do with it all, but hey- the dog enjoyed it.


As an aside, Dan and I generally consume gin and tonic just about constantly, but we've discovered these handy bottles which are perfect for gardening sessions.


I am happy to report my veggie patch is going strong... one week in. Plenty of time to kill it still.

Next weekend is another long weekend in Queensland and weather permitting, we'll be working on detroying termites and starting to sand down some of the timber work. More hard work, but the place is starting to look better already, so it seems worth it somehow.


  1. You queeeeeenslanders (and I can say it like that coz I am married to one, and I know you are really only an adopted one anyway you-taswegian-you!) seem to have a never-ending stream of public holidays.
    What a productive day! Fingers crossed you get perfect weather for more conquering this week :)

  2. It's more like 'Kwoynslanders' I reckon. And yes, yes we do. Work = overrated.

  3. I'm liking the G&T sustenance while you're hard at work in the yard!!

  4. Wow! this is really great! Can't wait to follow you though this process!!!


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